Braille Business Cards
Our Braille Business Cards are printed digitally with a process utilising 3D-UV. Our Digital Braille process makes production faster and more economical than traditional braille embossing. Add Digital Braille to one or two sides of your business cards, and combine with Variable Data Printing for even more flexibility. Supply your own artwork, or we can translate & setup the braille artwork for you.

How does Digital Braille work?
Digital Braille consists of small, transparent dots of 3D-UV printed onto business cards. Digital Braille can achieve a height of up to 250 microns, which is well above the threshold of braille readability. Unlike traditional braille that can degrade over time, digital braille uses a strong polymer that lasts many years. Digital Braille also allows braille on both sides of your business cards, on top of full colour printing!
Full Colour Printing
Digital Braille business cards are printed in full colour CMYK, which means that they look great for those who can see, and are also accessible for the visually impaired. Digital Braille is available on almost any printed surface, from business cards to magazines, and brochures to packaging.
Finishing Options
Our 420gsm card stock coated with silky matte celloglaze produces the highest possible braille effect, suitable for visually impaired to read braille.
Artwork Setup
Digital Braille only requires a single PDF artwork file. We can produce your artwork for you, or follow our Artwork Guidelines.
Can I see a sample?
Follow the link below to request a free Business Card Sample Pack including Braille.
Try before you buy. Order a FREE Business Card Sample pack!