Business Card Discounts
Printing discounts for ordering multiple sets of business cards

Savings above based on 1, 2 and 3 kinds of 250 x Matte Celloglaze business cards. Customise your own instant quote.

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To get an instant quote for multiple-kinds of business cards, you must login to your online account. It’s free to join, and you can save up to 10 percent!
Each kind or set of business cards has it’s own unique artwork, such as one kind for Tom, one kind for Dick, and another kind for Harry. “Kinds” are best ordered together in the same order so you can receive the Multiple-Kinds Discount!
3 Kinds x 1,000 Cards
(3,000 Cards Total)

1,000 Cards for Tom

1,000 Cards for Dick

1,000 Cards for Harry
Get an instant quote and discount for multiple kinds of business cards, and other printing products when you login to your Where The Trade Buys account.
To receive the Multiple Kinds Discount, you must:
- Order the same product and quantity for each kind.
- Eg, 3 x 500 Matte Cello Cards
- Eg, 4 x 1,000 Economy Cards
- Provide only one PDF artwork file for all kinds combined.
- Page 1 – Front for Tom
- Page 2 – Back for Tom
- Page 3 – Front for Dick
- Page 4 – Back for Dick

We deliver for FREE across Australia, plus you can split your order to multiple addresses for FREE.
- Ship Tom’s cards to your Sydney office.
- Ship Dick and Harry’s cards to your Melbourne warehouse.
- Ship Alice’s cards to her home address is Brisbane.